17 April 2021

Documentary: Intelligent Trees

Intelligent Trees (2016) is a short documentary about the 'Wood Wide Web'.

The film makers talk to experts, such as Peter Wohlleben, author of The Hidden Life of Trees, one of my current reads. Wohlleben explains how trees within a forest communicate with each other, feed stumps of long lost trees, and even mother their offspring to ready them for a time when they will have the opportunity to take their place at the highest canopy of the woodland.

While this documentary is 5 years old now, it feels like the revelations of forest science discussed, still haven't made it into the mainstream.

At only 45 minutes, this is a quick watch, and therefore not a detailed investigation of woodlands and the science of trees. However, it's an important documentary to watch, particularly for those that have recently become interested in plant science, or trees.

The documentary is available on Amazon Prime, but also on YouTube - I'll embed the documentary below: