05 February 2013

The benefits of houseplants

Having plants indoors can be a wonderful thing, especially when they are arranged with care and understanding of what the plants need to thrive. And when plants thrive, we thrive. Because they not only look fabulous, but they can soften the hard lines and materials that we use to build our living spaces and can provide many benefits to our health. 
As well as being a wonderful focus as you enter or look around a room, plants are very good at controlling humidity. This can be beneficial because a low humidity environment can increase the likelihood of developing viral infections with high humidity leading to mold and mildew and the health issues that these can bring with them.

Plants not only bring interest where ever they are situated, but as they photosynthesise they also create the rather useful byproduct of oxygen. In addition to this, many plants are well known to remove airborne contaminants that can cause us headaches and nausea. For a handy list of the most beneficial plants; see here.

It has also been shown that caring for plants can improve and maintain mental health. From looking after the plants, which gives us a purpose; to enjoying watching the plant thrive as it goes through its life cycle - certainly great therapy.

While it can be difficult to find the right spot for a plant, for instance: direct sunlight or very low light areas; it's worth doing a bit of research before you go out to buy some plants. This will save you time, because you'll know which plants are suited to the places you have available, rather than the frustration of trying to make a plant live where it's not suited (trust me...I know!).

Thank you to my parents for providing such good displays for this post. :)

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