01 November 2024

Indoor potting tasks with my helper

School is on half term where I live, so I had a little horticulture helper with potting up two begonia maculata that I'd propagated by water (and left a bit too long) and potting on a Hawthoria that is desperate to expand.

My helper breaking up the clumps of the soil.

Any sort of gardening with ME tends to have to happen when the energy is available. This can often mean that plants have to see to their own survival to some degree. 

The begonia could have been planted up around 6 months ago and the Hawthoria quite some time before that.

However, both have survived so far and look healthy enough to make progress now that they have received some TLC.

At some point soon, I have some cacti that require some care. Fingers crossed it is sooner, rather than later!


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