25 March 2014

4th Blogiversary

It's hard to believe that the very first blog post was published on the 25 March 2010! It was published by my friend, Mark, and detailed one of our camping adventures.

So much has changed in the past 4 years. This was initially a blog about camping and was called 'Camping and Outdoors' and I published many posts about camping, bushcraft, and equipment. Then I got ill in January 2012 and found that for the time being camping was out of the question.

As suddenly as illness came on, I found a real interest in plants. So, over time, the blog became more about what we can observe when we're out and about in nature and the name of the blog changed to 'Notes of Nature'. Here's one of the early layouts:

April 2012

Since then I've learned much about plants and really like trying to pass on what I've been learning. I also became interested in minimalism and as well as blog posts of my reflections about clutter and minimalism, my blog design was very minimalistic at one point:

March 2013
I feel that I have reached a happy medium with the blog design at the moment, so it'll probably stay the same for a while. My main frustration at the moment is how tired I am, so I've really had to pull right back using pacing in an attempt to ensure that I don't slip too far back. I really hope to be back blogging soon and really appreciate the messages that I've received from other bloggers. I hope that you're all well and enjoying the onset of Spring. Thanks for reading.

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