17 April 2012

Top dressing potted plants

We have this lovely Acer that my parents bought for Lucy a couple of years back. It's very reliable in that it gives a good canopy of red leaves, which look stunning in the summer. Unfortunately after we potted it, we've left it to do its thing and not really looked after it. As the leaves are starting to come out, I thought I'd give the Acer a bit of a freshen up.

Here's what the Acer was looking like. We'd had to put a barrier around the trunk as the rabbits had a particular liking for it. A thick blanket of moss covered the top inch of the compost and there were some twigs and an old grape(!) in there too!
As we're going to be keeping the rabbits away from the Acer, I'd removed the barrier - already an improvement. I then removed the twigs and grape and used a patio weeder to gently carve lines in the moss to make it easier to extract. As you can see this revealed about an inch depth in the pot. I also took the time to cut off any unhappy looking stems.

Acers don't like lime, which has a high PH level, so I used some ericaceous compost to bring the compost level back up. The compost has around 4 to 6 weeks worth of food in it. I'll have to get to the garden centre and look for something to supplement that with as the season goes on. I then popped the Acer, which is looking a darn sight better, back into its sheltered position. I also took the time to do the same with our potted Rose and was able to add about 2 inches of fresh multi-purpose compost into its pot - it's looking fab as it always does. I can't wait for it to flower!

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